Officer directory

Executive Board

There are many ways to participate in extracurricular activities as a member of Delta Chi. For example, the Executive Board is comprised of leaders elected by their fellow student members. Officers are elected for a one-year or half-year term depending on the position and are responsible for the key functional areas of the chapter. Among the many skills developed are teamwork, motivation, influencing others, setting goals, delegation, accountability and project management.

In addition to meeting people, learning new skills and having fun, extracurricular activities are a great way to differentiate your CV to employers and gives you something relevant to talk about in job interviews. Employers are looking for candidates who can demonstrate a blend of activities and transferable experiences.  A 2018 study of 21 million job adverts in the UK found that soft skills and non-academic achievements are central to getting through the first stage of the recruitment process.

Alumni Board of Trustees (ABT)

The Embry-Riddle Chapter, as required by Delta Chi Law, has a well established Alumni Board of Trustees. It is comprised of loyal alumni, including recent graduates as well as those with many years of life’s experience. This mix of ages not only provides stability but also promotes continuity. The chapter also has a voice on the ABT through their President and Treasurer who are both required to be full members. All are dedicated to helping elevate the experience and performance of the student members. ABT members do not need to be Delta Chi members. In fact, many chapters have parents, community members, and friends of the Fraternity serve on their ABT. If you would like to join our ABT, please contact our ABT President.

President: Christian Flohr

Secretary: Geoffrey Racy

Treasurer: Christian Wilder

Alumni Advisor "BB": Mark McKean

Faculty Advisor: Nicholas Damiano

Chapter "A": Jadyn Fulcher

Chapter "D": Bradley Graham

Building Corporation

The Building Corporation’s sole relationship to the chapter is one of landlord to tenant. Owning a new house is a unique privilege among other organizations that gives the Embry-Riddle Chapter strength, stability, and continuity. However, constant planning and care is essential for long-term success. With these goals in mind, both alumni and undergraduates have established guidelines and responsibilities. The most important responsibility the building corporation and chapter have is to maintain clear, open and honest communication. Monthly meetings facilitate working together for the betterment of each individual within the chapter and for the improvement of Delta Chi in general.

President: Kenny McCoig

Vice President: John Mazur

Secretary: Boyd Kelly

Treasurer: Christian Wilder

Directors: Ed Fusco, Spence Price, Mitch Licht

For general questions, please contact our general mailbox at